Saturday, September 6, 2014

“Stay Thirsty (For Knowledge) My Friends:” Why You Should Question Everything

Sometimes it is really hard to stand up for what you believe in. Sometimes it is really hard to admit even a little that you were wrong. When push comes to shove, it is extremely rewarding to be able to see other points of view and not just accept everything at face value. Some of the most admirable people in history stood up for what they thought was right while society told them they were wrong. It is about finding a balance: a balance between holding onto an idea but also allowing for others.

With the installment of advanced media in our world today, it seems that anyone can become a public intellectual. Which leads to question— what is a public intellectual? A public intellectual is a person who holds a public idea that he/ she believes in and then scrutinizes it. This can also be called a contrarian. A public intellectual MUST be critical of the world around him/her and not just accept things because everyone else does. They must be bold and consistently put themselves out there, despite the potential repercussions. And also, as I would say, they have a thirst for gaining knowledge and learning.

Of course, thinking past what everyone else believes in takes effort. It also takes time. We are often presented with information as if it is facts and truth. In reality, everything is biased, spun, and manipulated. Do not accept something to be correct just because the President of the United States said it.

I see the role of being a public intellectual intimidating. I am not an argumentative person by nature and I am willing to see other people’s perspectives. I do hope, however, if I post something in my newly formed blog and someone has another opinion, that they will share it with me! I am always open to learn about new ideas.

My one piece of advice about being a public intellectual is to have confidence in yourself so that you can defend your beliefs but also accept your defeats.

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